Standard Abbreviations

Standard Abbreviations
  • a.m. - ante meridien (time before 12 noon, counting from 12 midnight or 0000 hours)
  • A/1c - Airman First Class (military rank)
  • A/2c - Airman Second Class (military rank)
  • A/3c - Airman Third Class (military rank)
  • AACS - Airways and Air Communications Service
  • AAF - U.S. Army Air Forces (became USAF Sept. 18, 1947)
  • AARO - All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office
  • AATIP - Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program - Successor: UAPTF, Formation: 2007
  • AAWSAP - Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program - Initial name of AATIP Program
  • ACW - USAF Aircraft Control & Warning radar site
  • ACWRON - USAF Aircraft Control & Warning Radar Observation Network, Air (later Aerospace) Defense Command
  • ADC - USAF Air (later Aerospace) Defense Command (now subsumed under US Strategic Command and NORAD)
  • ADT - Atlantic Daylight [Saving] Time (ADT + 3 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • AEC - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
  • AESS - U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (now Dept. of Energy) Atomic Energy Security Service
  • AEW&C - USAF Airborne Early Warning & Control airborne radar system
  • AFB - USAF Air Force Base
  • AFPAA - Air Force Public Affairs Agency - 1978
  • AFOSI - USAF Office of Special Investigations
  • AFS - USAF Air Force Station (typically a radar site)
  • AHST - Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time (AHST + 10 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • AMC - USAF Air Materiel Command, Wright Field later Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio
  • approx. - approximately
  • APRO - Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, Tucson, Ariz. (defunct 1988)
  • arcmin - arc minute (angular unit of measurement = 1/60 of a degree)
  • Asst. - Assistant
  • AST - Atlantic Standard Time (AST + 4 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • ATIC - Advanced Technical Intelligence Center - U.S. Air Force - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base - 1951
  • BAASS - Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies
  • BB - USAF Project Blue Book, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio
  • Bet. - Between
  • BOAC - British Overseas Airways Corp.
  • CAA - U.S. Civil Aeronautics Administration (now Federal Aviation Administartion)
  • CAP - USAF auxiliary Civil Air Patrol
  • Capt. - Captain (military or naval rank)
  • Cdr. - USN Commander (naval rank)
  • CDT - Central Daylight [Saving] Time (CDT + 5 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • cf. - confrere (compare) (typically used here to indicate a source used in addition to the Berliner list entry, or a discrepant account)
  • CFS - Canadian Forces Station
  • CIA - U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
  • CIC - U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps
  • Co. - Company
  • Col. - Colonel (military rank)
  • Corp. - Corporation
  • Cpl. - Corporal (military rank)
  • CPO - Chief Petty Officer (naval rank)
  • CST - Central Standard Time (CST + 6 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • CUFON - Computer UFO Network
  • CUFOS - J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, Chicago, Ill.
  • DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Formed 1958 (originally named ARPA)
  • Dept. - Department
  • Det. - Detachment
  • DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency
  • DoD - U.S. Department of Defense
  • Dr. - Doctor
  • DST - Daylight Saving Time
  • E - East (azimuth 90°)
  • ECM - Electronic Counter Measures
  • EDT - Eastern Daylight [Saving] Time (EDT + 4 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • ELINT - Electronic Intelligence
  • EM - Electro Magnetic effects
  • ENE - East North East (azimuth 67.5°)
  • equiv - equivalent
  • ESE - East South East (azimuth 112.5°)
  • EST - Eastern Standard Time (EST + 5 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
  • FBI - U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations
  • FEAF - USAF Far East Air Force
  • FI - Fighter Interception (squadron or wing)
  • FO - First Officer
  • FOIA - U.S. Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S. Code 552)
  • ft - feet (or foot) linear unit of measurement (= 0.3048 meter or 30.48 cm)
  • g - unit of gravitational acceleration at earth's surface (= 32.2 ft/sec2 or 9.8 m/sec2 approx.)
  • G-2 - U.S. Army intelligence division (of a given command or unit or staff)
  • GCA - Ground Control (or Controlled) Approach (radar system for air traffic control)
  • GCI - Ground Controlled Intercept (air defense radar)
  • GMT - Greenwich Mean Time (now generally UTC, Coordinated Universal Time; U.S. military terminology Z or Zebra - or Zulu time)
  • GOC - U.S. Ground Observer Corps (auxiliary of USAF Air Defense Command)
  • GPS - Global Positioning System
  • HEO - High Earth orbit
  • HEO - Highly elliptical orbit
  • hr - hour (time unit of measurement)
  • Hwy - Highway
  • IAC - U.S. National Security Council Intelligence Advisory Committee (now National Foreign Intelligence Board)
  • IAS - Indicated Air Speed (conversion to true air speed depends on altitude, temperature, pressure)
  • ICBM - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
  • IFF - Identification Friend or Foe encrypted radar transponder system
  • IFO - Identified Flying Object
  • JCS - U.S. Defense Department Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • jg - junior grade (part of military rank) (also JG)
  • knots - knots (unit of speed measurement =1.150779 mph)
  • lb. - pound (unit of weight = 0.454 kilogram mass, approx., under standard gravity)
  • LEO - Low Earth Orbit
  • Lt - Col. Lieutenant Colonel (military rank)
  • Lt. - Lieutenant (military rank)
  • M/Sgt. - Master Sergeant (military rank)
  • MAC - USAF Military Airlift Command (formerly MATS now Air Mobility Command)
  • Mag - Magnetic (compass bearing or aircraft heading)
  • Maint. - Maintenance
  • Maj. - Major (military rank)
  • MATS - USAF Military Air Transport Service (now Air Mobility Command)
  • MCAS - USMC Marine Corps Air Station
  • MDT - Mountain Daylight [Saving] Time (MDT + 6 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • MEO - Medium Earth orbit
  • min - minute (time unit of measurement)
  • mph - miles per hour (unit of speed measurement = 1.609344 km/hr or 1.46667 ft/sec approx., in statute miles of 5,280 feet)
  • MST - Mountain Standard Time (MST + 7 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • Mtn. - Mountain
  • N - North (azimuth 0° or 360°)
  • NACA - U.S. National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (now NASA)
  • NAS - USN Naval Air Station
  • NE - North East (azimuth 45°)
  • NICAP - National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena website
  • NIDS - National Institute for Discovery Science
  • N.M. - New Mexico (see elsewhere for complete list of U.S. state abbreviations)
  • n.mi. - nautical miles
  • NNE - North North East (azimuth 22.5°)
  • NNW - North North West (azimuth 337.5°)
  • NORAD - North American Aerospace Defense Command (U.S. Air Force-Canadian Air joint command)
  • NW - North West (azimuth 315°)
  • NYC - New York City
  • Ofcr. - Officer
  • OPC - Office of Policy Coordination (CIA covert action office, 1948-52)
  • Ops - Operations
  • p.m. - post meridien (time after 12 noon)
  • PDT - Pacific Daylight [Saving] Time (PDT + 7 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • PFC - Private First Class (military rank)
  • PST - Pacific Standard Time (PST + 8 hours = UTC-GMT-Z time)
  • Pvt. - Private (military rank)
  • RAAF - Royal Air Force (U.K.)
  • RAAF - Roswell Army Air Field
  • RAF - Royal Australian Air Force
  • RAPCON - Radar Approach Control
  • RCAF - Royal Canadian Air Force
  • Recon - Reconnaissance
  • re-eval - re-evaluation
  • Ret. - Retired
  • RPAS - Remotely Piloted Aircraft System
  • RPAV - Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle
  • Rpt - Report
  • Rt. - Route
  • RV - Radar-Visual (Hynek UFO Classification)
  • S - South (azimuth 180°)
  • SAC - USAF Strategic Air Command (now U.S. Strategic Command)
  • SE - South East (azimuth 135°)
  • sec - second (time unit of measurement)
  • SFC - Sergeant First Class (military rank)
  • Sgt. - Sergeant (military rank)
  • SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
  • s/n - serial number
  • Sq - Squadron
  • SSE - South South East (azimuth 157.5°)
  • S/Sgt - Staff Sergeant (military rank)
  • SSW - South South West (azimuth 202.5°)
  • Supv. - Supervisor
  • SW - South West (azimuth 225°)
  • TAS - True Air Speed (IAS corrected for altitude, temperature, pressure)
  • T/Sgt. - Technical Sergeant (military rank)
  • TWA - Trans World Airlines
  • UAPTF - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force - Formation: 2020
  • UAS - Unmanned Aerial Systems
  • UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • UFO - Unidentified Flying Object
  • UK - United Kingdom
  • USAF - U.S. Air Force
  • USMC - U.S. Marine Corps
  • USN - U.S. Navy
  • USO - Unidentified Submerged Object
  • USSR - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (now Russia)
  • W - West (azimuth 270°)
  • WNW - West North West (azimuth 292.5°)
  • WSW - West South West (azimuth 247.5°)